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Friday, March 10, 2023

Dirty Little Chai Latte

I blame this recipe on my oldest daughter. I didn't even want to try a dirty chai but she loves them! So we stopped at our favorite coffee shop on the way to co-op one day and she orders the dirty chai with nut milk and proceeds to tell me to taste it. It was NOT what I was expecting. I usually don't prefer milk in my tea, but I quickly learned that his was not so bad, nope it is great! Well then, Java Momma comes out with a mini cookbook of recipes and lo and behold there's a dirty chai recipe in there. I had to chai it! 

Wait! What makes a chai dirty?

Chai tea is a spicy tea blend and its usually served with milk. 

Dirty Chai is a chai tea with espresso added to it

Dirty chai latte will have steamed milk 

Dirty chai cold brew is made with a cold brew espresso mix.


Let’s talk recipe modifications: 

If you want to use chai milk cubes you can skip the milk step and (I would) omit the regular ice cubes.  If you want to make this a full breakfast...add a scoop of your favorite protein powder and add simple syrup if you're not watching your sugars :)


Will you chai this chai?


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