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Friday, March 10, 2023

Coffee for When Your Coffee Needs a Coffee


The toddler wouldn't settle until o' dark 30. You were up working on a paper or had to finish that project. Maybe your brain just wouldn't shut off!  Monday. Whatever the reason, your coffee needs a coffee, here's a fun way to add a little more hug to your mug.  This will probably last a couple weeks in the fridge.  I have also slipped this onto my cold brew gelato for fun...

Without further ado... 

Here's my simple coffee syrup recipe:


1cup brewed coffee (unflavored is best if you're mixing and matching coffees)

1 cup sugar

1 dash vanilla

*optional - dash of salt (forgot that in the graphic)

☀️Combine the sugar and coffee on the stovetop over medium heat until the sugar is dissolved.

☀️Reduce the heat to low and let the syrup simmer until the liquid is reduced by 1/3.

☀️ Turn the stove off and add the vanilla and salt (the salt is really just to help balance the flavor so be sparing!) Allow the mixture to cool before transferring to a jar.

☀️ The syrup will thicken as it cools. 

I've used this with my cold brew, I've had it with gelato (cold brew flavored) I also have a recipe coming up for caffeinated crème Brûlée.

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